District of Innovation » The FSHISD District of Innovation Resource Page

The FSHISD District of Innovation Resource Page


What is a "District of Innovation"?

The District of Innovation concept was passed by the 84th Texas legislature in House Bill 1842 and codified in Texas Education Code, Chapter 12A.  A District of Innovation designation gives traditional school districts more flexibility and local control and increases a district’s ability to decide what best meets the unique needs of the students and to customize a response to those needs. 

We invite you to explore our transformation to a learning organization where we have developed the capacity to install systemic innovations.  Our shared commitment is evident in the work of our Board of Trustees, our District Design team or "think tank", Campus Design teams, District and Campus Educational Improvement Councils, and our District of Innovation team.  We hope you take a moment to read about our journey through meeting minutes and watch our progress through continued postings on this webpage.

Additional Files
District Vision

Our vision is to promote a quality education, where every student is a learner, every learner is a graduate, and every graduate is a success.
District Mission
The mission of the Fort Sam Houston ISD is to develop the hearts and minds of all students, empowering them to become successful, active contributors in a changing global community.
District Beliefs
We exist to serve the military child.
We are a family of lifelong learners who respect and honor individual differences, diversity, and talent.
We believe a safe and caring environment fosters the emotional and social well-being of students.
We believe that every teacher is a leader; every leader is a teacher.
We inspire our students to their highest level of learning.
We, the school community, provide engaging, challenging, and meaningful work for learners.
We prepare students to be leaders by instilling character, competence, and creativity.