PeeWee Cheer Camp for Elementary Students! The Cole Cheerleaders will host a PeeWee Cheer camp on Saturday, November 4th from 9:00 - Noon. All FSH Elementary students are invited to attend. For more details click the headline above.
Project Graduation Fundraiser! Make dinner a selfless act by joining us for a fundraiser to support Cole High School Project Graduation. Come in to the Chipotle at 3928 Broadway in San Antonio on Wednesday, November 1st between 5:00 pm and 9:00 pm. Bring in the flyer (available by clicking the headline above), show it on your smartphone or tell the cashier you’re supporting the cause to make sure that 50% of the proceeds will be donated to Cole High School Project Graduation. Thanks! Hope to see you there!
Medical Futurist Project - Calling Student Artists and Imagineers Calling all creative and imaginative students at Fort Sam Houston ISD. You have an opportunity to support the BAMC opening of the new Virtual Medicine Wing by sharing ideas about what you think the future of medicine will look like. Please read the attached information sheet and participation form if you are interested in sharing your creative talents. Complete the participation form (available by clicking the headline above) and turn it in to the individuals below. Elementary School Front Desk: Liz LeeMiddle and High School Front Desk: Sherrie Medellin Participation Forms due by November 1.Completed Projects due by December 1.
Cole Middle School JS2S Antibullying Video for Bullying Prevention Month The MCEC Junior Student 2 Student® (JS2STM) is a school-sponsored program for civilian and military-connected middle school students designed to welcome new students and support their transitions.
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice of Public Meeting to discuss Ft. Sam Houston ISD's State Financial Accountability Rating.Fort Sam Houston Independent School District will hold a public meeting on October 24, 2017 at 11:00 am in the Professional Development Center at 1908 Winans Road, San Antonio, Texas. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the Fort Sam Houston Independent School District’s rating of “A” for “Superior Achievement” on the state’s financial accountability system.
Cole Partners with National Math + Science Initiative Cole joins a network of more than 1,000 schools nationwide that have adopted the innovative NMSI program. Click here to learn more.
Flu Clinic for Cole MS & HS SAMMC Immunization clinic will be holding a Flu shot fair on Tuesday, October 17th from 9 am to noon in the Cole nurse's office. All students that are dependents of active duty and retired military are eligible to receive the vaccine.Parents need to fill out the Flu form (available by clicking the headline above) and return it to the School Nurse. Please call the Cole clinic at 210-368-8746 for questions.
School-to-School Relief Effort Update Please click the header for information on contributing to the relief effort.